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Pasture Raised Pork Chops


What You'll Receive

Frozen rib chops and porterhouse chops are cut 1 1/4" thick.  2 chops per package.  Porterhouse chops and rib chops come from different parts of the animal but can be cooked similarly.  The rib chop has the baby back rib attached and the porterhouse chop has the tenderloin on it.

Cooking Tips

Coming Soon!

How It's Raised

Unconventional- Jamie Lindemann started raising pigs because she was dissatisfied with the flavor and texture of conventional pork purchased at the grocery store.  She knew if she wanted better meat, she was going to have to raise it herself.

Unconfined- Jamie regularly moves her pig's fence to a fresh section of pasture where they can root in the dirt and forage for plants.  They are supplemented with a grain mix and fresh water.

Unbelievably Good- Berkshire pork (a heritage breed) is renowned for its marbling, juiciness, tenderness and depth of flavor.  Berkshire is to pork what wagyu is to beef. Once you try Berkshire pork, you will have a hard time going back to that “other white meat."

Healthier for You- Pasture raised pork has significant health benefits over factory farmed pork, including more omega-3s, selenium, and vitamins A and D.

Humanely Raised- The sows (mama pigs) at Lindy Land & Livestock are never confined to farrowing crates when giving birth (a common and inhumane industry practice).  Instead, they raise their piglets in a large pen outdoors where they can care for their young and express their natural instincts.

Antibiotic Free- Antibiotics are never used on the meat pigs.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews

Nice fat rim around the porterhouse steaks. I overcooked mine so they dried out in the center but the fat rim was sooo yummy.

Brian Beck
We preferred the Lindy porter house steak over grocery store pork chop

Porterhouse Pork Steak - I cooked an Americas Cut Pork Chop from the grocery store at the same time for comparison. I seared them both in clarified butter in a very hot cast iron pan and then put the pan in a 400 degree oven. The porterhouse steak was very tender and juicy with a clean and mild flavor. The grocery store pork had a stronger flavor which in comparison wasn't as pleasant of a flavor. We both preferred the Porterhouse Pork Steak over the grocery store America's cut pork chop.