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Our next monthly delivery is Tues, April 8. The website will have products restocked and open for orders 6AM April 4.

Our Vendors

We are blessed to work with a great group of farms and businesses who produce high quality healthy food for our families. We tour the farms, test the products, and talk at length before determining if each vendor shares our commitment to quality, transparency, and integrity.

If you are interested in becoming a vendor on Glory Garden, contact us here.

Blue Sky Vegetable Co.

Worthing, SD

Dirk and Kjersten Oudman previously farmed in WI before moving back to SD in 2021 to be near family and are putting down roots on their new farm near Worthing. 

Breadico Sourdough Bread Company

Sioux Falls, SD

David Napolitano uses an age-old sourdough starter and locally grown wheat to make bread the old fashioned way.

Dahlberg Farms

Beresford, SD

Mark Dahlberg is a seasoned bee keeper, with many years of wisdom in all things bees and honey.

Gilkerson Gardens

Brookings, SD

Trevor Gilkerson has spent years learning about greenhouse growing and perfecting his techniques. Thanks to his dedication, we are able to enjoy his greenhouse tomatoes from June-October here is SD. He is also experimenting with growing lettuce year round hydroponically. As of 2021, Gilkerson Gardens is fully organic in practice, though not yet certified.

Glory Garden

Sioux Falls, SD

I used to grow everything for Glory Garden myself. Now that I partner with other farmers, I get to choose only my favorite crops to grow, which includes herbs and rhubarb.

Goosemobile Pastured Meats

Canova, SD

Travis and Lisa Muth's family raises chicken the old fashioned way- on pasture with plenty of fresh air and sunshine. You'll taste the difference!

KO Tallow Co.

Sioux Falls, SD

Kenzie Ott, mom of four, began making tallow balm from locally raised grassfed beef fat after discovering the wonders that it did for her family's skin.

Lindy Land & Livestock

Alcester, SD

Matt and Jamie Lindemann, along with their son Rhett raise pastured pork. They selected the heritage Berkshire breed of pigs which has superior meat quality and marbling.

Mended Kettle Farm

Elk Point, SD

Seth and Abbey Fischer grow super food microgreens for Glory Garden.

Prairie Coteau Farm

Astoria, SD

Nick Siddens and Kristianna Gehant Siddens specialize in certified organic garlic. They also raise grassfed lamb on their farm located on the Coteau des Prairies, a long, high ridge in northeastern South Dakota.

Prairie Roots Produce

Freeman, SD

Andre and Lillie Eisenbeis grow a rainbow of colorful and flavorful produce.

Schneiderman Family

Baltic, SD

Dallas and Janna Schneiderman and their 5 homeschooled children supply eggs from a colorful flock of unique breeds of chickens.

Sunrise Salmon

Fergus Falls, MN

Kevin and Stephanie Schmidt's family travels to Bristol Bay, Alaska every year to harvest wild sockeye salmon and bring it direct to customers!

Svec Farm

Estelline, SD

Tanya Svec and her family raise 100% grassfed beef on their fifth generation farm.

Tea Soulution

Colton, SD

Paul and Desiree Osborne offer herbal teas to help you feel better one sip at a time.  Their proprietary blends of flavorful and healing teas are prepared by hand in Colton, SD using ingredients that are carefully selected and sustainably sourced from around the globe.

Tillford Rye Farm

Garretson, SD

Jeremy Nelson grows a wide array of produce and especially enjoys selecting unique and flavorful varieties that you wouldn't find at a typical grocery store.

VanDerVliet Family

Colton, SD

Lois VanDerVliet enjoys having chickens on her farm and gladly provides a home for her grandchildren's FFA project chickens after showing.

Veldkamp Family Farms

Garretson, SD

Arlan and Ami Velkamp raise pastured chickens and provide us with delicious eggs.

Wholly Balls

Tea, SD

Sarah and Nick launched Wholly Balls in 2023, after Nick discovered not just a fulfilling snack but a potential business opportunity in the protein bites that had been packed for his fishing trip. Sarah has perfected her protein ball recipe over the years to meet strict dietary needs while also satisfying a sweet tooth. Try them and you may find yourself saying, "Wholly Balls!"

5th Generation Farm

Marion, SD

Tim and Anita Eisenbeis raise a variety of organic crops on their farm, including flax seed which they sell through Glory Garden.